The Coolest Bitcoin Podcast in the World!
Aug. 10, 2023

Get Freshly Mined Bitcoin Straight to Your Wallet with Will Szamosszegi

Will is a revolutionary innovator reshaping humanity's relationship with money, energy, and time! The CEO of Saz Mining with Bucknell's venture grant in his pocket plus being named as one of Forbes Fellows & a finalist at SXSW Digital Entrepreneurship Tournament - Will has been speaking around the world about Bitcoin Mining to help us all achieve financial freedom. In this interview on The Bitcoin Source, we discuss what is Saz Mining, How Customers Can Mine at Home, and Mining benefiting the whole ecosystem from climate change to renewable energy. Affiliate Link:

DISCLAIMER: **This is not financial advice. The Bitcoin Source is for education purposes only and is not affiliated with any financial institution. The financial advice in this podcast is purely for informational purposes only. Please seek the assistance of a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

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The Bitcoin Source