The Coolest Bitcoin Podcast in the World!
April 20, 2023

Financing Freedom: The Power of Bitcoin in the Military- Mickey Koss

Bitcoin Holder Mickey is a true modern day Jack-of-all trades. A West Point Economics graduate, 4 year Infantry veteran and Syracuse MBA/MPA holder with an 8 figure budget to manage for the Army, his foray into Bitcoin was serendipitous - discovered through one of his Soldiers’ GPU mining scheme before the 2020 halving event. When not spending time with wife and kids or working on government projects, he enjoys learning more about Bitcoin investing macroeconomics as well sharing 'orange pill' insights to friends and family!

In this interview on The Bitcoin Source, we discuss discovering Bitcoin while in the Armed Forces, Bitcoin being used as a form of national defense, and why Bitcoin is the best investment anyone can make for the next hundred years .

DISCLAIMER: **This is not financial advice. The Bitcoin Source is for education purposes only and is not affiliated with any financial institution. The financial advice in this podcast is purely for informational purposes only. Please seek the assistance of a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

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The Bitcoin Source