The Coolest Bitcoin Podcast in the World!
Oct. 12, 2023

Bringing Comedy to the Bitcoin World w/ Jesse Cervantes

Introducing the incredible Jesse Cervantes AKA Dr. Orange Pill! Co-Founder of Harlem Bitcoin and creator of "BitProv", a hilarious comedy show that pays tribute to your favorite comics - with bitcoin jokes! Wanting to share his knowledge, Jesse Cervantes has established an amazing decentralized community for anyone interested in learning more about cryptocurrency in NYC ...and beyond; we'd call it genius but we'll just label him as awesome.

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The Bitcoin Source


00:00:00 Jesse Introduction

00:05:14 What Inspired Harlem Bitcoin?

00:17:50 Doing Stand Up Comedy for Bitcoin

00:25:58 Businesses in NYC Open to Bitcoin

00:33:02 Jesse Outro