The Coolest Bitcoin Podcast in the World!
Jan. 5, 2023

Bitcoin Made Him Rich w/ Davinci Jeremie

Davinci Jeremie is a senior software developer and CEO of Davinci Codes. He is also the Founder of Pandora´s Wallet and an early Bitcoin adopter. A famous Bitcoin enthusiast he earned his popularity in recent years when the video of him advising to “just buy $1 worth of Bitcoin” went viral.

Jeremie has always been interested in new technologies, and he started working with computers in the early 1990s. In 2011, he got into Bitcoin when it was just starting to become popular, and he has been an avid believer in its potential ever since. He is excited about the future of blockchain technology and its ability to change the world for the better.

In this interview on The Bitcoin Source, we discuss capturing underpriced attention via early Bitcoin evangelism, how Bitcoin made him a multi-millionaire and the trap the financial system creates before new technology like Bitcoin formed an escape hatch.

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The Bitcoin Source